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2021-06-09 来源: 澳洲法律评论 原文链接 评论1条


Single Parents May Become The Winners Of Australian Home Purchaser?



预算新政:只付2%首付,单亲父母或将成澳洲买房赢家?(组图) - 1

From 1st July 2021, single parents with children can buy a house with only a 2% down payment, while the federal government will provide guarantees for the remaining 18% called"Family Home Guarantee."The Morrison government will also provide an additional $124.7 million to fund states and territories to strengthen the public housing stock.

Through the searches from the government,single parents generally prefer to rent a house than purchasing a house or an apartment.The main purpose of this policy is actually more biased towards the Australian government's hope to help the disadvantaged groups in society. Besides, this is also a policy used by the government to shorten the gap between the rich and the poor in Australia and improve the affordability of real estate. Recently, the price of real estate in Australia has risen sharply, which has made the affordability of real estate declined. The wealthy people own more real estate, and the value of their assets is getting higher and higher, while the less wealthy people are increasingly unable to afford the amount of money to buy a property.


第一,有孩子的单身父母的年收入不超过125,000澳元,其中不包括子女抚养福利,并且单身父母可以申请该政策直到其子女年满21岁。做为大前提,其子女在16-21岁之间的,必须是完全或基本依靠单亲父母,且子女的收入不到$ 6,403澳元。


预算新政:只付2%首付,单亲父母或将成澳洲买房赢家?(组图) - 2


Who can be eligible to participate in this guarantee? 

First of all, single parents with children must have an annual income of no more than $125,000 excluding child support benefits, and single parents can apply for this policy until the children are the age of 21.As a prerequisite, the children at the age of 16 – 21 are completely or basically dependent on their single parents, and their income is less than $6,403.

Second of all, there is currently no property under the name of the single parents at present,but whether or not they have owned real estate before is not listed as a restriction, which is different from the First Home Owner’s Grant.

For housing price requirements, the government also has certain standards. In NSW, single parents will be able to buy up to $700,000 valued properties, while in other states, they can buy up to $450,000 valued properties.




预算新政:只付2%首付,单亲父母或将成澳洲买房赢家?(组图) - 3

Although this is a policy for the benefit of the people, it may also bring some drawbacks.

Firstly,single parents applying for this policy are competitive.In the four-year period, the first batch of quotas is limited to 10,000 people. However, there are a large number of single-parent families in Australia. 

Secondly, this policy may increase the demand for property in the market,which may increase the price of real estate, like some purchasing property policies and grants issued by the government last year.

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