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2024-04-15 来源: 李逸仙 评论1条

I am devastated to learn that one of the victims of the tragic attack in Westfield BondiJunction was a Chinese international student.

得知发生在 Westfield Bondi Junction 的悲惨袭击事件的受害者之一是一名来自中国的留学生,我非常震惊和悲痛。

She would have come to Sydney and Australia full of hope and dreams for the future. Ican’t imagine the grief, distress and shattered dreams of her family.


Like thousands of other international students, she lived among us as part of ourcommunity. She was one of us.


International students bring immeasurable value to NSW and our multicultural societyand deserve our care and respect.


中国女留学生在悉尼砍人案中遇害,李逸仙州议员发文悼念 - 1

I, and the NSW Government, express our deepest sympathies to her family and offer anyand all support through this the darkest of times for them.


On behalf of the Australian Chinese community, we wrap our arms and hearts aroundall those affected.


What occurred was a shocking and terrible crime. However, we also saw the best ofAustralians.


We thank the brave bystanders who stopped the attacker from reaching more innocentpeople, and the first responders that ran towards the danger, including the Senior PoliceOfficer who put her own life at risk to save others. We have deep gratitude for herincredible bravery.


I extend my gratitude to our police, paramedics, nurses and emergency services fortheir dedication and selflessness, especially in the worst of times.


We know so many people have been impacted by this event.


中国女留学生在悉尼砍人案中遇害,李逸仙州议员发文悼念 - 2

People all over our community are hurting, and we’ll stand together in the days andweeks to come.


The University of Sydney is also providing extensive support for the family andcounselling support to students and staff.


I would strongly encourage anyone who needs help to please reach out for it.


General supports for the community are also available:


• Lifeline: Call 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online.

• Kids Helpline: Call 1800 55 1800 or chat online.

• Beyond Blue: Call 1300 22 4636 or chat online.

• 1800RESPECT: Call 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732 or chat online.

• 13 Yarn: Call 13 92 76.

• MensLine Australia: Call 1300 78 99 78.

Media Contact: (02) 9747 1711

Suite 402, 16 Railway Parade Burwood NSW 2134

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